• Governance

Volunteers Required

Midlands Hockey Ltd. are in the process of developing our 5-year strategy. 

The purpose of this strategy is to set out a clear vision, mission, values, and objectives that will directly inform the future of the Midlands Area to achieve our shared ambitions for the sport of hockey, along with the other 7 Areas and England Hockey.​  Recently, England Hockey launched their new 5-year strategy under the banner of 'Creating A Future For Our Game Together' with the aim to make the sport of hockey ‘more visible, relevant and accessible to all’, which this will build upon.

​The Board of Midlands Hockey, along with the Area Management Committee, has developed the strategic direction of:

  • Creating and maintaining a safe, welcoming, inclusive environment for the participants of the sport of Hockey
  • Ensuring that participants remain at the centre of what we do

The next step in the formation of the Midlands Area strategy, is to enter consultation with the Midlands Area hockey family through;:

  • Formation of a task and finish group
  • Development of a consultation survey
  • Consultation period of 3 months to gather the thoughts and feelings of the hockey family
  • Finalise the strategy by the end of 2024 with the involvement of focus groups

​Volunteers are now being sought for both the task and finish group and focus groups. 

If you or anyone at your club could spare some time to help formulate this strategy it would be greatly appreciated. 

To find out more, or register your interest to volunteer, please contact areaadmin@midlands.hockey.